The Dirt

MINOR SPOILER AHEAD!! I'm reading 'The Dirt' - the Mötley Crüe book - 'Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band'. It's virtually unputdownable. I'm only about one third into it, but I seriously don't see how they could go any further without killing someone- oh, too late. Thank you thank you Joanna for mentioning the book so often that I was compelled to check it out!
While I was waiting for the boss to retrieve 'The Dirt' from his batcave, I re-read Stephanie Johnson's 'The Shag Incident'. I first read it (for review) in late 2002, in Dunedin, and now that I live in Auckland (where most of it is set) it seemed like a good time to revisit. Totally gripping novel, really clever character development and exploration and intertwinings. Another five star recommendation from the Backyard Book Corner. Someone point me towards info about the Mervyn Thompson incident, please?
Dang, i've got that same Batrider poster somewhere.
Mervyn Thompson was abducted well before the internet happened, so you'll find slim pickings online. There was a lot of media attention at the time (some of us still remember it) and he wrote a couple of pieces in respeonse in Metro (Dec 86 and Jan 87, if you want to check it out).
In a nutshell, he was accused of rape and a group of six women from one or other of the feminist movements of the time decided to do something about it - despite the fact he was never convicted (or even charged, I think). It was kind of scary - seeing viginlante justice just on the basis of uncomfirmed allegations, the kind of thing you hear of happening under Stalin, but not in good old New Zealand.
Oh thanks for that, Barry! I guess that's what inspired Johnson's novel, then. One more time: an excellent read!
I see - certainly appears to have directly inspired the novel. Thanks Jackie!
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