
I know almost all the words; we crow with delight at the altercations between Lizzy and Darcy and we howl with dismay and frustration at Lydia's misbehaviour. It doesn't get tired. In fact I've been keeping an eye out for it on dvd on trademe. The gift that keeps on giving...
Anyway, the word on the street is that there's a new version of P&P, know as Bride and Prejudice. Hmmmm. Not sure... early reports sound reasonable however; I'll give it a shot. It's directed by Gurinder Chada, responsible for Bend it Like Beckham. Which I haven't seen.
What do the people think? Worth a look, I guess. Props to Jane Austen, anyhow.
No closet here! I'm out and proud :)
While the book and the movie are fine, I'd like to point out that it's Colin Firth as Mr Darcy that I'm declaring my love for.
Mmm, Pumpkin has a thing for Colin Firth as Mr Darcy, too...
She particularly likes some scene where he's just stepped out of a puddle/lake or something...
Not seen it meself... am however, trying to find a Colin Firth face mask so i can sell meself to any womans Colin Firth fantasy moments...
Thanks for leaving me a blog message.
After much reflection I think it has something to do with his eyebrows.
Haha just saw this... check out the first q&a
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